Sperlari products

The art of knowing how to combine tradition and innovation, past and future, ancient recipes and attention to new tastes, excellent raw materials and the use of cutting-edge production techniques. Nougat, nougat pieces, mustard and sweets: we let them to tell you something more about us...

Nougat & Chocolate bites

Sperlari offers its speciality in a mini format,
to bring sweetness to every moment of the day.


Nougat & Chocolate

Tradition, flavour, fragrance and quality.
For over 180 years, Sperlari Nougat has delighted the tastebuds of young and old alike.



Different flavours, types and formats…
Discover your favourite Sperlari sweets!



Mostarda allows us to elevate flavours in an original way
and bring the colours of the summer and plenty of flavour to the table.
